About Us

About Us

Welcome to the The Organization Development and Change (ODC) Division of the Academy of Management

We are a vibrant and bridging community whose members are passionate about the scholarship and practice of inclusive change and changing! ODC is an international community of more than 2000 scholars and practitioners in over 60 countries around the globe.

We share a passion for exploring the research and practices of healthy and humane organizations & communities. We strive to do work that makes a positive difference in people, organizations, communities and society.

We are a community of scholars and practitioners who create and disseminate impactful and rigorous knowledge to enrich constructive change management and organization development.

Our members are always willing to mentor, collaborate, and support one another in various ways throughout the year. The Division sponsors initiatives that build momentum and strengthen our community.

Consider joining the Division. I invite you to join us by selecting ODC as one of your divisions of choice. ODC should to be your home, please submit your proposals and papers to us!

Get involved! Please contact me to express your interest in opportunities to contribute to the Division. There are several roles and ongoing projects where your contributions are needed.

To learn more about the ODC Division or if you have any questions about our community, please contact me or any of our board members.

All the best,


Richard W. Stackman
Division Chair
Organization Development and Change Division

The ODC Represent