

Each year, the Academy of Management (AOM) presents awards to members in recognition of outstanding contributions, professional accomplishments, and distinguished service at AOM’s Annual Meeting. Awards are distinguished by the breadth and length of the work.

All-Academy Awards are presented at AOM’s Annual Meeting. Most recently, awards were presented for the most outstanding journal articles (see Publication Awards for more information), lifetime achievement and contributions to the field of management (see Career Achievement Awards below), the George R. Terry Book Award as well as Division and Interest Group Awards (see Annual Annual Awards below), and Best Paper and Community Awards (see Program Awards below).

2024 AOM: Award Winners

Best Doctoral Student Paper

  • Annemiek van der Schaft
    Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

  • Omar Solinger
    Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

  • Woody van Olffen
    TIAS/ Tilburg University

  • Xander Lub
    Hogeschool Utrecht

  • Riku Ruotsalainen
    Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Best Paper Based on a Dissertation

  • Roman Terekhin
    Case Western Reserve University

Distinguished Educator Award

  • Ronald Fry
    Case Western Reserve University

Distingushed Scholar Award

  • Denise Rousseau
    Carnegie Mellon University

Division Best Paper Award

  • Changwei Guo
    Renmin University of China

  • Fengbin Wang
    Renmin University of China

Pasmore Woodman Award

  • Shaul Oreg
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  • Noga Sverdlik
    Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Rupert F. Chisholm Best Theory-to-Practice Paper

  • Patrick Groulx
    École des sciences de la gestion

  • Francis Maisonneuve
    HEC Montreal

  • Kevin J. Johnson
    HEC Montreal

Service Recognition

  • Richard Stackman
    University of San Francisco

    In recognition of outstanding service to the division and service as Division Chair 2023-2024

  • Laura Fey
    University of Edinburgh

    In recognition of outstanding service to the division as Doctoral Student Representative

  • Thomas Thundiyill
    Central Michigan University

    In recognition of service to the division as Chief Engagement Officer
  • Jill Paine
    IE University

    In recognition of outstanding service to the division as Representative-at-Large