Thanks to all the colleagues who stood in the recent board election. Their willingness to serve the division is hugely appreciated. And thanks to ODC division members who voted in the election. Your engagement is so important and much appreciated.
The ODC Division welcomes three new colleagues to the board. Their terms will begin in August '24.
Five Year Track / PDW Chair: Richard Hall (Monash University)
Representative-at-Large: Katerina Gonzalez (Suffolk University)
Doctoral Student Representative: Danny Van Montfort (Nyenrode University)
Many thanks to Richard, Katerina, and Danny - looking forward to your service to the ODC division!
Patrice Rosenthal
Division Chair-Elect
Patrice Rosenthal, PhD
Doctoral Faculty/ School of Leadership Studies
Fielding Graduate University
2020 De La Vina Street / Santa Barbara CA 91005
Mobile: 805 798 1645 /
Ignacio Pavez
Assistant Professor
Pontificia Universidad Católica De Chile