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Management Consulting Learning Labs – Teaching Organizational Consulting

  • 1.  Management Consulting Learning Labs – Teaching Organizational Consulting

    Posted 11-17-2021 10:04
    Edited by Ignacio Pavez 11-17-2021 10:03

    Management Consulting Learning Labs – Teaching Organizational Consulting


    Throughout this academic year, the MC Division is offering a series of learning labs – virtual synchronous assemblies during which experiments, observations, and practices in the field of management consulting are shared among our members. The labs address the needs and concerns of our members across three areas: consulting, teaching, and research.


    Our second MC Learning Lab of the year will focus on teaching organizational consulting.


    Please join experienced instructors on the topic, Bill Pasmore, David Jamieson, Daniel Degravel, Joanne Preston, Kurt Motomedi, and Peter Sorensen for an interactive session that explores the challenges and best practices of teaching consultation.


    For those teaching in the field of management consulting and organizational development and change, this is a perfect opportunity to improve your teaching practice.  


    Join us on Wednesday, December 8 from 12:30pm to 1:30pm EST.


    Here is a link to the session:




    Hope to see you at the session.


    Dr. David B. Szabla

    Associate Professor, Organizational Change Leadership

    College of Education and Human Development

    Western Michigan University 

    Kalamazoo, MI 49008



    Scholar in Residence, Management Consulting Division, The Academy of Management - https://connect.aom.org/mc/home





    Dr. David B. Szabla

    Associate Professor

    Organizational Change Leadership

    Educational Leadership, Research and Technology

    College of Education and Human Development

    Western Michigan University 

    Kalamazoo, MI 49008



    MA in Organizational Change Leadership -https://wmich.edu/leadership/academics/organizational-change-leadership


    PhD-EHD in Organizational Change Leadership - https://wmich.edu/leadership/academics/organizational-change-leadership/ocl-phd


    Scholar in Residence, Management Consulting Division, The Academy of Management - https://connect.aom.org/mc/home