Navigating the Academic Job Market in Europe and Northern America

Navigating the Academic Job Market in Europe and Northern America

Date and time

Day: Wednesday, November 15 2023 
Time: 15:00 PM - 16:30 PM -03
Location: Online
Register here!

About this event

The academic job market information event aims to provide attendees with practical knowledge, skills, and resources to navigate the complexities of the academic job market and make informed decisions about their career paths in academia.

1) Introduction to the Academic Job Market:

Overview of the academic job market landscape, including trends, challenges, and opportunities.

2) Types of Academic Positions:

Explanation of different types of academic positions, such as tenure-track, adjunct, postdoctoral, and non-tenure track roles.

3) Preparing Application Materials:

Guidance on crafting effective application materials, including CVs, cover letters, research statements, teaching philosophies, and writing samples.

4) Interview and Job Talk Preparation:

Techniques for preparing for academic interviews, including mock interviews, addressing potential questions, and delivering a compelling job talk.

5) Navigating the Hiring Process:

Information on the stages of the hiring process, from initial application to campus visits and negotiations.

6) Resources and Support Services:

Information about available resources, such as career centers, mentorship programs, and professional development workshops.